The June Reset: a newsletter preview

NOTE: This is a preview of a Monthly Motherhood Mash-Up Newsletter. The photo below demonstrates what the newsletter would look like aesthetically; the remainder of the text below is the content, and it would be segmented a bit differently due to email formatting.

LET’S take a pause

June is an excellent time to stop and take a reflective pause on how this year has been going, and how you want the rest of the year to BE.

I am coming off a very intense 18 months, and this summer I have decided that it is time for deep reflection and healing

Perhaps, you are in the same situation. 


As I started to sift through the things that no longer serve me, I found one of the biggest was the world of social media. Of course, it is helpful in ways, I have found many inspiring individuals and businesses that I look forward to reading posts and learning from. But for the most part, I have found this space

D R A I N I N G.

Except for some, it seems like so many people there just want to be controversial. Who can be the most outrageous these days, pushing the boundaries on whatever side they seem to be on.

It is exhausting.

From politics to wellness to spirituality to motherhood. People have gone EXTREME in the worst of ways.

There is just so much nonsense coming at you daily, and you have to discern an overload of information constantly. 

I won’t get into politics here because this is not the space for it. But each “side” seems to be sounding more of the same lately.

In some cases, I can see why we have to stand our ground; think of your medical freedom, and what you want your kids exposed to. But in trying to convey these messages, people have gone a little too crazy in attempting to get the message across. And everyone is always saying the SAME things, to what seems like the SAME people that it actually resonates with.

At the end of the day, is there that much that is being changed in trying to speak up on social outlets with these topics?

Or is all of this extremism just leading us to have more mental angst and burnout? 

Wouldn’t it be more beneficial to influence what we can in our real - day-to-day living - within our communities, home & families?


I desire simplicity. 

I desire attainable wellness and a deep spiritual connection without so many labels having to be attached to everything.

I desire an intentional family life, but a REAL one, not that is made for social media aesthetics. 

As I dig into my soul-self once again, clearing the noise, I gain clarity on what is needed to create the life I desire. 

When you can take a *TRUE* break from all of the things coming at you daily and settle into yourself, you find peace. You have your soul guiding you to your truest desires. Your intuitive and divine (connection to God) will support you in what you need … and what you don’t. 

If you stuck with me through this rant, I would guess you would agree with most of this. And In case it needs to be said: I am not knocking anyone's beliefs, wellness, or lifestyle, I am simply just calling out what I find no longer resonates for me and what needs to be done to quiet all of the NOISE. I do, however, encourage you to do the same. 

So for this summer, I have decided to remain silent and off of that social world (basically just Instagram, because I left the other social platforms years ago). I will be here on Substack and write on the main website - Well-Rooted Motherhood. I am excited to dive into a fully creative mode, focusing and sharing more on REALSTIC wellness for mothers and how we can improve our mindset/mental health and family life.

I invite you to take this healing journey with me.

Take what resonates and leave the rest. 

We are each on our individual paths, and as we attune ourselves to our intuitive guidance we will be able to make the decisions we need for ourselves and our families with much more ease.



June will be a month filled with resetting health - body, mind, and spirit.

A clean-out of the physical living space, to decluttering, does help the mind so much.

An inventory of our (family) diet and what needs to be cleaned out in the pantry and restocked. I have created a list for you too (download here).

I am not one for wasting, but we all get into slumps where we buy more processed or unhealthy foods and end up in our pantries. Clean out what is expired and see what can be used. Determine what can be incorporated into healthier meals and what is more “junk” that should just get finished up so you can replace these products with healthier options.

Limit social media intake or do a full detox (your choice). A good perspective for me was how much time I was spending scrolling, saying that I just needed a “zone out” here and there or at the end of the day, and how much time was being wasted when I could have been diving into deeper self-care rituals. *Things that would lift me up and give my brain a true recovery*

Now to the journaling. If you have been following my newsletter and have the digital downloads, you know I love some good journal prompts.


We are now at the 6-month mark and it is the perfect time to do some deep reflection on what has been working and what hasn’t, and how we want to finish out the rest of this year.

write it out


  • What has been working for you over the last 6 months?

  • What has not been working?

  • How have you been feeling?

  • What is keeping you up at night?

  • Have you been self-sabotaging - think of goals you might have set for yourself back in January, have you been sticking to these, have they been lost from your mind, are you sabotaging your efforts?


  • What can you change?

  • What habits are not aligning you to be your highest - and truest self?

  • What do you need to do, to give yourself that full reset - to come back into your body, mind, and soul?

  • Make a list of all of the things that bring you peace and make you feel LIGHTER

↟ This is the list you will use to create your retreat - my list is shared below to help give you some inspo if needed


  • List all of the things - Your dreams and goals that you wish to manifest/elevate in your life

  • What do you want to accomplish? List everything out, then pick your top 3 - these will be used for the retreat, focusing on ONE particular goal

  • How would you feel if you were living the life you desired?

  • What would your health and wellness be like

  • What would your family life be like

  • What would your career/finances be like

  • What is your ideal daily routine/rhythm? Create an ideal morning and evening routine

  • How would you go about your day, if you were already living your *most* desired life?

    Make it Visual

If you like to have something to look at to reflect on, cut out magazine photos of your goals, and add them to your journal or create a board on Pinterest. You can also create a digital collage and save it as your wallpaper on your phone. Whatever works for you to keep you focused on your goals and truest desires. 


Using the answers to your journal prompts above, you can start to create your very own June retreat. Focusing on what will bring you the most peace each day, and starting to create the daily rhythms that will set you up for the successes you desire.

You might start to do some of this and see that it is not as aligned as you thought it might be. Remember to adjust as needed. This is not some rigid routine or schedule you are making. It is something that is supposed to flow and help you elevate, not feel stressed or confined in any way.

A big part of my retreat is nourishing my body properly. After working full time, with a long commute each day, the neglect to my self-care and nutrition needs the most attention. Not taking care of myself in the ways I needed bled over into my family, as they were just getting the most burnt out, angry, and exhausted mom and wife. 

When we take care of ourselves, it benefits the entire family. It is not selfish. When we feel our best, then the people we love get to experience the best of us, and that makes for a more peaceful household.

Remember as the mother, wife, and homemaker, we get to influence and support the energy of our home.

Below, I am sharing my list of things that bring me to a calmer state of mind and lighter within my body. Some of these might be helpful to you, but I highly recommend making a list (and a visual) of activities that are most in alignment with YOU.

Note: List the things that are mostly SOLO activities. This is time that is just for Y O U. Spending time with your husband and kids can be uplifting too, but this is about just being more connected to yourself.

✧ Morning sunlight and walks

✧ Lemon water and green juices

✧ Journaling and brain dumps

✧ Gentle skincare routine

✧ Reading - actual reading, not short posts or captions - 

✧ Light, uplifting music (*current fav is the Queen Charlotte soundtrack*)

✧ Healthy and nourishing meals and sweet treats

✧ Fresh air in the moonlight

✧ Prayer

✧ Diffusing essential oils and burning sage

✧ Tarot &/or oracle cards

✧ Candlelight

✧ Movement (light, low impact, energy-moving movements - pilates, barre, yoga)

✧ Salt baths and body scrubs

✧ Mood board collages

✧ Barefoot nature walks

✧ Minimal screen time (very limited social media and only uplifting )


  • 1 celery stalk

  • 1/2 cucumber

  • 1 orange, peeled

  • 1.5 cups pineapple, roughly chopped

  • 2 cup spinach

  • ½ lemon

  • 1 cup water or coconut water, or a combination of both

  • Optional: ½ teaspoon chia seeds


  1. Prepare the Juice:

    • Blender Method:

      • Peel the orange and lemon. Cut them into suitable pieces to handle easily.

      • Use a hand juicer to juice the orange and lemon, ensuring to capture all the juice. Alternatively, you can substitute with 1/3 cup of pre-prepared orange juice if not juicing fresh.

      • Set the citrus juice aside.

    • Juicer Method:

      • If using a juicer, simply place the whole peeled orange and lemon directly into the juicer and collect the juice.

  2. Blend the Ingredients:

    • Place the cucumber, celery, pineapple, and spinach in a high-speed blender.

    • Add the freshly juiced orange and lemon (or the 1/3 cup of orange juice) to the blender.

    • Pour in 1 cup of water or coconut water.

    • Blend on high speed until everything is thoroughly combined and smooth.

  3. Strain the Mixture:

    • If using the blender method and you prefer a smoother consistency, pour the mixture through a mesh strainer to remove excess pulp and fibers. Use a spoon to help press through the liquid.

  4. Final Touches:

    • Pour the strained juice into a serving glass.

    • Stir in the chia seeds if using, and allow them to soak for a few minutes before serving.

  5. Serve:

    • Enjoy your Reset & Recovery Green Juice fresh for the best flavor and nutritional benefits.

Need more Nourishing Food Ideas?

If you are looking for some other nourishing recipes, these are some of what I will be using during June; check out my two Pinterest boards.

NOURISH | healthy meals

SWEETS | healthy

Additional Support

the Fuel Your Soul Guidebook is a great companion to your Reset. If you haven’t already downloaded a copy, just hit the button below, and you will have instant access!



Nourishing the Homemaker: practical tips for homemakers to improve their health and wellness


Juicing Recipes for Glowing Summer Skin