The CHALLENGE is not to be perfect, it is to be WHOLE


Let’s do this Together

I know how hard it is to find a few minutes alone every day, never mind extra time to do the things you desire to fully care for yourself when you have little ones to tend to.

That is why I designed this space… just for you, the mother. I was fed up with the loud and intense vibe of social media and wanted to offer an online retreat where I could journey *with* you in learning how to simplify wellness and embrace a more intentional lifestyle and motherhood.

You might be thinking, “But seriously, how do I do this and see results when I am constantly overwhelmed and overstimulated in my everyday motherhood?”

I get it…and I am right there with you.

In fact, I do not have all of the answers, I never will claim to. However,  I can tell you a secret for us more sensitive mothers who are bogged down by the overwhelm, the noise and the unavoidable chaos that daily life brings…  

our wellness is BOTH/AND

As mothers, we need to find moments each day to connect with our spirit and listen to the guidance of what area of our lives we need to focus our attention on that day; all the while being knee-deep in a pile of laundry, a kid screaming under our feet..and possibly, yes, having moments where we are losing our sh!t through it all!

the ONLY way to build the lasting, sustainable change in your life that you DESIRE, is to take small, consistent, rooted, INTUITION-led steps each and every day

building a rooted FOUNDATION

Nourishing our body & mind

Getting clear on what our hearts desire

Having a deep spiritual practice

Developing our connection to our God-given intuition

Living in the flow of our natural + seasonal rhythms

Using simple mini-routines

Creating & keeping a comfortable and nurturing home environment

HOW WE actually DO IT

Progress > Perfection 

First—We are letting go of perfection.

 Perfection is exhausting. Striving for perfection will only cause more health-related issues down the road. 

We will fail when we hold ourselves to an unattainable standard (ahem..all the BS we come across on social platforms). And that does not serve our mental health or those we love who are getting the brunt of all of our frustrations.

We are looking for.. intention, progress, acknowledging our bad days–because this is REAL life and we will have them–and learning how to nurture and heal ourselves through all of the messiness motherhood brings. 

Next is being realistic with our progress, starting with being honest with where we are and where we want to be—not comparing ourselves to anyone else but ourselves! 

*This is why gaining intuitive clarity is the key*

And then, It is taking baby steps towards these goals

WHILE [mindset shift here!] accepting the season we are in now and learning to live in it with as much compassion for ourselves as possible.

*and this is why the foundation of everything I guide you on and teach is about your mental wellness, FIRST


When you start creating a life that is aligned to your soul and God’s desires for you, it not only impacts your life but deeply impacts your mothering and children and their future

There are seasons of motherhood that are straight-up HARD and beyond exhausting. There are times we finally feel like we are getting back on track with our goals, when *bam* unforeseen circumstances with our kids, spouse, elder parents...[insert other life disruption here] hit us…

These things DO happen. This is real life.

This is why Well-Rooted Motherhood is committed to supporting you in transforming these challenges into moments of strength by nurturing your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being.

My mission is to empower mothers to prevent the intense downward spiral of burnout by offering guidance on calming the nervous system, transformative self-care, and trusting our God-given intuition. My goal is to help each mother become more present and nurturing, teaching their children the importance of self-compassion, reliance on inner wisdom, and the holistic nourishment of body, mind, spirit, and soul.

My goal is to guide you in prioritizing yourself, calming your nervous system, trusting your intuition, and having compassion for yourself while experiencing challenging moments. 

About Jennifer Cat

Still trying to figure out if this is the place for you….are we even a right fit?

First, let me say I am not one to talk myself up. As an INFJ, I am a more quiet *anxious* behind-the-scenes type. It is why social media never resonated with me, because I cannot be "on" enough to gain the kind of audience those platforms require. I like my quiet and solitude; as you know, those moments are rare in motherhood. I could not handle another place that overstimulated my already highly sensitive being.

Second, I am not new to mental health, coaching, and wellness. I have over 15 years in this world. I have seen more fads come and go; I have been using essential oils since before there were MLM influencers for them… sort of joking…. I say that so you know I have some educational and personal knowledge. 

Regarding motherhood…I am not a brand new mother, though I am not fully experienced in the teen years or empty nest life (as just under a decade in). I have been through all of the things with the little stage. I am a mother of twins and have been through a high-risk pregnancy, including surgery during pregnancy, hospital bedrest, NICU stays, postpartum depression and anxiety, and so much more. So, I might not have your exact pregnancy, postpartum, or current motherhood experience because each of us is gifted a unique journey of motherhood. Still, due to my personal motherhood experiences, I have gained an enormous amount of understanding of the complexities and stressors we all face in becoming a mother…and I am *very* much here to support you. 

I can be seen as a walking contradiction in personal and professional circles. I love Jesus, and at times, you will see me quote scripture and talk about the power of prayer; however, you will often see me talking about how the energy around and within affects our mental and physical health and how exploring deep astrology reports can give us more clarity on our lives. I know our intuition is a superpower *and the key to our wellness and fulfilling our dreams,* gifted to us by our divine creator (God.). I am a true rock/grunge/metal girl; however, classical music or a lovely time-period drama soundtrack can transport my soul to a life once lived. I was born without a whole thyroid gland. This means my body has to rely on pharmaceutical medicine (no holistic medicine can support this function for me) while at the same being very skeptical of big pharma and always opting to take a natural route when I can. 

I refuse to be limited by labels or categories. My purpose is to guide you toward clarity and support you in rediscovering who you truly are and what you desire so you can create the life your soul is guiding you toward

Looking outwards has got to be turned into looking into oneself. Discovering yourself provides you with all you are, were meant to be, and all you are living from and for

carl jung

Because here is the thing…just like each of our motherhood experiences is unique, so are each of our physical & mental needs and the needs of our families. No one can be boxed into a category, one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter approach to wellness. You need to find what works for YOU, and you do that by learning to trust the messages your spirit is guiding you toward so you can have true clarity on your needs and desires. 

I promise I will never try to convince or sell you on some pop psychology fad, trend, or wellness gimmick. I'll never feed you some cheesy line that you need to "stop surviving and start thriving" or find joy in every moment of motherhood type of nonsense… because none of that will ever really help us mentally, physically, or spiritually. 

I am here to support you in learning how to prioritize your wellness by teaching you how to tap into the power of YOUR God-given intuition and find the proper wellness practices that work for you and your family. 

When you prioritize your wellness, all of those in your home benefit. Not to put pressure on you, but as a mother, your energy holds incredible power and influence. If you desire to live a calm, intentional life in a world rooted in truth, beauty, and goodness, it starts with us—the mothers, caring for ourselves first. That way, when the chaos and challenges hit, you are not caught up in your emotional “junk” or spiraling into burnout; instead, you approach these moments with more grace and compassion, which not only is a benefit to your well-being but creates a healing ripple effect within your home environment which teaches your little ones how to respond to the world around them—this is a gift that will impact future generations for your family.

So, if you feel called to join me in taking a different approach to your motherhood & wellness, I'd love to have you here!

Get Started on Your Journey to better Wellness Today!

a free guidebook FUEL YOUR SOUL

a step-by-step guidebook to support you in reducing mom burnout in 24 hours. Includes affirmations, worksheets, a meal plan + more!